Altar Servers

Boys and girls of the parish who have made their first communion are most welcome to volunteer to be trained as altar servers and become members of the Guild of Saint Stephen, the altar servers Guild.

Extra-ordinary Eucharistic Ministers

Member of the parish who volunteer to become Extra-ordinary Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and when required can also take Communion to the sick and housebound.


Member of the parish who volunteer to become readers take part in the liturgy of the word at Sunday and weekday Masses.

Music in the Liturgy

The music groups at Mass on a Sunday aim to enhance the spiritual theme of the Mass. At the 11:00 Mass - on some Sundays the organ is used, on others a music group provides the musical accompaniment. At the 18:00 Mass (which is generally quieter and more reflective than the 11:00 Mass), the music is provided by another group of musicians. If you would to offer your musical talents at either Mass, we would be delighted to hear from you!  

Children’s Liturgy Group

The aim of the Children's liturgy group is to make our faith and the scriptures more meaningful to the children of the parish. The children are taught in three age groups during the liturgy of the word at the 11:00 Mass on Sundays.

Religious Instruction for Children

Saint Joseph’s is the Catholic primary school for the parish. However, there are also religious instruction classes at St Francis to prepare children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation who attend the local primary schools and the International School.

Youth Group

In St Francis usually on the last Friday of each month. For ages 11 to 17. We try to make the evenings fun, with games, pizza and some faith sharing and prayer. Occasional day trips and weekends are organised too - check the bulletin or notice board for details.

For more information on youth activities in the parish,

Church Hall

The church hall is used during the week for a variety of different activities, including Yoga and Pilates classes and children's play groups. It is also available for private celebrations. For further details, please have a look at the notices in the church, or contact